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Cover image for Matkalla etelään

Matkalla etelään

By Pariisin Kevät

Album: Astronautti

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Date: Fri Apr 26 2024 22:33:27 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


teen who likes to help others

@ Helsinki, Finland

about me

I have many hobbies including programming, music, photography and some sports. I usually play badminton, floorball and basketball. I also like to play video games.

Last FM

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          "date": "2024-04-26T22:33:27.000Z",
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            "mbid": "80ff40ac-a19c-4ba6-b82d-935468d94f1d",
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    "posts": [
        "id": "t68cx096qh",
        "slug": "how-to-install-proxmox-backup-server-pbs-on-debian-12",
        "appearance": "norm",
        "language": "en",
        "rtl": false,
        "created": "2024-02-05T20:53:57.387068024Z",
        "updated": "2024-02-05T20:57:31Z",
        "title": "How to install Proxmox Backup Server (PBS) on debian 12",
        "body": "I just bought a new VPS with 2 terabytes of storage for only backup purposes. I decided to format the storage using LVM. Feel free to checkout my guide for  [Getting started with LVM](\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n- A server with debian 12\n- Storage configured at some mountpoint. I use `/pbs-data`.\n- root access\n\n## Add the repository GPG keys\n\nDon't worry about the enterprise url. It's still free to use without a license. Keep in mind that you won't receive any official support.\n\n```\nsudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg\n```\n\nMake sure that the sha512 matches. At the time of writing (05-02-2024) it is that one. Latest ones can be viewed in the [documentation](\n\n```\nsha512sum /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg\n7da6fe34168adc6e479327ba517796d4702fa2f8b4f0a9833f5ea6e6b48f6507a6da403a274fe201595edc86a84463d50383d07f64bdde2e3658108db7d6dc87  /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg\n```\n\n```\nmd5sum /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg\n41558dc019ef90bd0f6067644a51cf5b /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg\n```\n\n## Add repositories\n\nAdd the following to `/etc/apt/sources.list`\n\n```\ndeb bookworm pbs-no-subscription\n```\n\n### Update repositories\n\n`sudo apt update`\n\n## Install proxmox-backup-server package\n\nThis will download the latest release and start the configuration process. It may ask for you to configure postfix (for sending emails) but that will be skipped in this guide. To disable postfix for now, you can select the \"Local Only\" option.\n\n```\nsudo apt install proxmox-backup-server\n```\n\n## Conclusion\n\nThe Web UI should be accessible at `https://<your server ip>:8007`. Please note the `https` protocol and you may need to open your firewall for that port.\n\n## Next Up\n\nI definitely recommend configuring SSL with Let's Encrypt in the Web UI. You will need to create new \"datastore\" which uses your mountpoint on disk for the actual backup storage. Also create new accounts and restrict their permissions to a specific datastore for every proxmox host you're going to add.\n\n<div class=\"giscus\"></div>\n\n",
        "tags": [],
        "paid": false,
        "views": 224
        "id": "m420npg8ub",
        "slug": "getting-started-with-lvm",
        "appearance": "norm",
        "language": "en",
        "rtl": false,
        "created": "2024-02-04T15:32:11.49151197Z",
        "updated": "2024-02-04T16:29:29Z",
        "title": "Getting started with LVM",
        "body": "I recently had to extend a normal disk partition. It wasn't fun. That's why I recommend using LVM, it's a lot easier to manage, extend, shrink and remove partitions on a single or multiple disks.\n\n## Common Terms\n\n`Physical Volumes (PVs)` are your physical disks attached to a server. These can be different sizes. That's why LVM is so flexible.\n\n`Volume Groups (VGs)` are groups of PVs. For example you could have `vg00` which includes PVs `a`, `b` and `c`.\n\n`Logical Volumes (LVs)` are smaller \"partitions\" of VGs. You can mount these at different mount points and are easily manageable.\n\n### Example\n\nYour server configuration:\n\n- Disk /dev/sda, 200GB\n  - other partitions like boot\n  - /dev/sda2, 199GB, PV\n- Disk /dev/sdb, 4TB\n  - /dev/sdb1, 4TB, PV\n- Disk /dev/sdc, 150G\n  - /dev/sdc1, 150G, PV\n\nYou can either split those into multiple VGs or combine them into one. I recommend combining them, because you can only assign a PV to **single** VG.\n\nCurrently your total allocatable storage for `vg00` would be 4445GB. Now you can split that into one or more LVs and mount them to your system. I usually have different `/`, `/var`, `/home` and `swap` partitions.\n\n## Requirements\n\n- A server\n- An unused disk partition on the server\n- LVM2 installed `apt install lvm2` (on debian)\n\n## Creating a PV\n\n`sudo pvcreate <disk>`\n\nExample `<disk>` values:\n\n- /dev/sdb\n- /dev/sdb1\n\n## List PVs\n\n`sudo pvs`\n\n## Creating a VG\n\n`sudo vgcreate <VG name> <PVs>`\n\nExample:\n\n- `sudo vgcreate vg00 /dev/sdb`\n- `sudo vgcreate vg00 /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc1`\n\n## List VGs\n\n`sudo vgs`\n\n## Creating a LV\n\n`sudo lvcreate -n <name> -L <size> <VG name>`\n\nExample:\n\n- `sudo lvcreate -n root -L 30G vg00`\n- `sudo lvcreate -n home -L 50G vg00`\n- `sudo lvcreate -n var -L 20G vg00`\n\n### Formatting\n\nYou can choose any filesystem you want. I usually select `ext4`.\n\n`sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/<VG name>/<LV name>`\n\nExample:\n\n- `sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/vg00/root`\n\n### Final Steps\n\nNow you can mount them and store files. Remember to add them to `/etc/fstab` in order to automatically have them mounted.\n\n`sudo mount /dev/<VG name>/<LV name> /mnt`\n\n## List LVs\n\n`sudo lvs`\n\n## Extend a LV\n\n`sudo lvextend -L +2G /dev/<VG name>/<LV name> -r`\n\nThe `-r` flag automatically resizes the filesystem. If it's not provided, you need to manually run the `resize2fs <volume>` command.\n\nExample:\n\n- `sudo lvextend -L +2G /dev/vg00/root -r`\n\n## Verify Changes\n\nYou can run `df -h` and it should show the new amount. If it still shows the old one, you can try running `resize2fs /dev/<VG name>/<LV name>` command.\n\n\n<div class=\"giscus\" ></div>\n\n\n",
        "tags": [],
        "paid": false,
        "views": 71
        "id": "6evwj061ri",
        "slug": "comments-with-giscus-app",
        "appearance": "norm",
        "language": "en",
        "rtl": false,
        "created": "2023-09-16T21:34:46.89313098Z",
        "updated": "2023-09-16T22:07:43Z",
        "title": "Comments with",
        "body": "Hi! I wanted to add comments to my writefreely blog and it was quite easy. Here are the steps for it.\n\n1. Create a new **public** github repository with discussions **enabled**\n1. Install the [giscus github application]( and grant access to that repository\n1. Open [](\n1. Change the settings like you want them to be! I recommend using the `light` theme, unless you have custom CSS in your blog.\n1. You might experience problems when trying to copy-paste the script to writefreely blog customization. For security writefreely sanitizes any `<script>` tags. However we can use a workaround: \n\n    Place the following code to the [custom CSS]( section\n    ```html\n    </style>\n\n    script here\n\n    <style type=\"text/css\">\n    ```\n    It will throw syntax errors in the editor, but you can ignore those. It will still work :)\n\n1. And now the script should load. To get the comment section placed correctly you will need to include at the end of a blog post.\n\n    ```html\n    <div class=\"giscus\" ></div>\n    ```\n\n    Without this giscus will create the comment section in the `<head>` tags which can be useful if you want to hide it for specific posts.\n\n<div class=\"giscus\" ></div>",
        "tags": [],
        "paid": false,
        "views": 292